Parish Information
All those little bits of information that you sometimes need but can never find in one place.
We try our best to keep this information as up to date as possible but if there is something here that is no longer correct please contact us and we will ensure it is updated.
Tutbury Museum
The Museum current opening hours are:
April to September
Wednesday 1.30 – 4.00 pm
Friday 1.30 – 4.00 pm
Saturday 10.30 – 4.00 pm.
Outside of these hours the Museum is happy to field enquiries via its website or its Chairman on 01455 823348 and
The parish council are not responsible for Allotments please contact the Tutbury Allotment Association who represents the 3 allotment sites in Tutbury which comprises of: –
Bridge Street: Bridge Street has 8 plots and is situated just off Bridge Street by the ‘little bridge’
Castle Street: Castle Street is the largest site with 42 plots some of which are subdivided into half plots and is situated opposite the approach to the castle. Only Castle Street has a metered water supply available on site.
Close Bank: Close Bank has 11 plots some of which are subdivided into half plots. And is accessed via the footpath that runs between Burton Street and Cornmill Lane.
Contact allotment association secretary Carly Reed: 07872 932 468, Email:
Chairman Stephen Keene: 07910 067 749, Email:
Castle Street: Tammy England: 07774 143 876
Bridge Street: Alan: 07703 061 739
Close Bank: Andy: 07929 183 628
St Mary's Church
Church Street Tutbury
DE13 9JE
Revd Phyllis Bainbridge
St Mary’s Tutbury is open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds. We lead our congregation in worship, deepening the connection to God, understanding the teachings of Christ, and ultimately to a vibrant faith
We have a long, proud history of serving the people of Tutbury. Through the dedication of our leadership, staff members and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. Contact us today to find out more about becoming part of the St Mary’s Tutbury community.
St Christopher Catholic Church
Wakefield Avenue, Tutbury, DE13 9JU
Tel: 01283 563 246
Ebenezer (Chapel est. 1799)
Monk Street, Tutbury, Staffordshire, DE13 9NA
Times of service: 2nd and 4th Sundays 3pm
Contact: Mrs Rosemary Gradwell
Community Groups
Tutbury WI
Tutbury WI meets on the second Thursday of each month, either in the Village Hall or the Tutbury Club at 07.15 pm for 07.30 pm.
Further information can be found on the Noticeboard next to the the Post Office or on Facebook. Tutbury Parish Council meets on the third Monday of the Month.
TOSCA Tutbury Old School Association
The Old School is the home of the Scout groups, Tutbury Pre-School and Jennifer Cox School of Dance.
If you would like to book the facilities, then contact Jo Woodbery 01283 815533 or email:
Health Services
NHS Details and Doctors
Tutbury Practice
The Tutbury Practice, The Tutbury Health Centre, Monk Street, Tutbury, Burton On Trent, Staffordshire, DE13 9NA
Tel: 01283 812 210
For prescription requests please email at
Dover River Practice
Tutbury Surgery, Tutbury Health Centre, Monk Street, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire. DE13 9NA
Tel: 01283 812 455
Sudbury Surgery, Gibb Lane, Sudbury, DE6 5HY
Tel: 01283 585 215
Patients Forum
Tutbury Practice has a patients forum for those who are interested in health issues and feeding them into the Tutbury Practice. Bi-monthly quiz nights are held to raise money for community projects like the defibrillators. Bi-monthly meetings are held in the village hall.
Tutbury Dental Practice
59 Monk Street, Tutbury, Staffordshire, DE13 9NA
Tel: 01283 813 540
Out of hours (non emergency): 0800 051 9551
The Defibrillators were installed as an initiative by the Patients forum. Tutbury Parish Council assisted with some of the grant funding. Responsibility has now been passed to the Parish Council to maintain these.
They are located at Kangs Stores, Park Lane Stores, The Leopard Inn (Monk St), Tutbury Club (High St) and The Cross Keys (Burton Road).
Tutbury Tigers Football club have installed an additional Defibrillator at the changing rooms on Cornmill Lane playing field.
Important Information
Regardless of having these units, the first call is always 999.
Until the ambulance arrives the emergency telephone operator will ask a number of questions, the outcome being:
- If only one person present with the patient carry out CPR under their guidance
- If two people are present, other than the patient, they will give the access code for one of you to go to the nearest storage cabinet, collect the defibrillator and return to the patient. You then follow the instructions given
Our Member of Parliment
Jacob Collier MP
Member of Parliament for Burton and Uttoxeter.
Community Support Officer
PCSO is Sarah Leadlay
Tutbury, Roleston and Anslow
Tel: 101
Contact details of the Ward Team
PC Simon Jevons
PC Eleanor Wickman
SGT 25228 Matt Williams
If there is an emergency at the weir in Tutbury, please use the What3words code to alert the emergence services of the location: Lion Delight Workroom
If you need to log an incident that is not an emergency 999. Phone 101 or log the incident through the Staffordshire Police website or via the Staffordshire Police Facebook and X page.
Tutbury Pre School
Manager: Mrs Caroline Acton
Tutbury Pre-school, Cornmill Lane, Tutbury, Staffordshire, DE13 9HA
Tel: 01283 520 346
Tutbury Pre-School has a team of experienced staff offer a warm, secure environment for children aged from two years old to school age.
Tutbury Pre-School was established in 1973 and is currently attended by a total of 45 children, each attending for a variety of morning, afternoon and whole day sessions.
We understand that for many children, pre-school may be their first time in a setting without the reassurance of their parents. We ensure our staff to child ratios remain high to continue to provide a supportive environment for your child to feel safe in.
Richard Wakefield C.E Primary Academy
Principal: Mrs J Lowe
Richard Wakefield C.E Primary Academy, Burton Street, Tutbury, DE13 9NR
Tel: 01283 247 535
Richard Wakefield strives to provide an inclusive, supportive learning environment where children flourish and take pride in their achievements. Learners are inspired to embark on a life long journey to develop knowledge, faith and skills. This Primary School is the feeder school for De Ferrers Academy.
Village Hall
The Village Hall, Monk Street, Tutbury.
Bookings are dealt with by contacting Jan Harrison:
Tel: 01283 812248
or visit the facebook page